THE WHO “Rock’s Outer Limits” ザ・フー

話は全く変わりますがゴールデンウィークにBSであったThe Kids Are Alrightの放送、私はBS入れていませんので見ることができませんでしたが、その間の2chの実況とても面白かったです。今では消えてしまいましたがフーのスレッドは1800くらいまでいきました。すごい数のコメント数だと思ったら他の日のツェッペリンストーンズは4000近くいきましたので、まだまだメジャーの仲間入りとはいえませんが、それでも短時間にこれだけのコメントが寄せられたこと、それに贔屓目かもしれませんがコメントのほとんどは他のバンドとくらべてもはるかに好意的だったと思います。20年以上前、自分が思ったことと同じように2006年に初めて見た人が反応しているのを見ると、時がたっても褪せないものをフーは残したのだと改めて確信しました。正に時代が追いついたのではないでしょうか。
My Work Is Done - Almost
In order to have an album released in September of this year I need to deliver my completed production by the end of June.
My part as a musician on the Who album is now complete. I have recorded twenty three tracks and selected and finished my part in seventeen, of which eleven are ready to release. The remaining six tracks only require vocals from Roger (or a vocal test to see whether he should replace my existing voacls) this week, and by Friday everything will be ready for me to mix in the first gap in the UK tour between Leeds and Brighton on the weekend of 17th/18th June and our return to play the Leeds O2 festival on 25th June. Originally I left this gap so I could give my son some support in his first big exams, and I will do that as well. But it is fortuitous I have this time.
The tracks line up like this: the complete Mini-Opera based on The Boy Who Heard Music consists of ten tracks (of which six are previewed on Wire & Glass the Maxi-Single to be released in June/July). The seven other tracks represent an even mixture of straight acoustic and conventional rock band tracks. As I've said before, this has been recorded as simply as possible, starting in my home studio on analogue tape, 8 tracks only, and moving on to my pro studios only for the final computer round up. It's an exciting sound to my ears. Not old-fashioned at all.
I will deliver finished masters to Polydor on June 28th.
Still not sure what to call it.

ザ・フー 2006 ツアー日程
18 Brighton Centre, England
25 O2 Wireless Festival - Leeds, England
28 Bristol City Football Club, England
30 Werchter Festival - Belgium
2 Hyde Park Calling Festival - London Hyde Park, England
3 Beaulieu Motor Museum - Hampshire, England
5 Liverpool Docks, England
6 Liverpool Docks, England
8 Oxegen Festival, Dublin, Eire
9 T In The Park Festival, Scotland
11 Bonn Museumplatz, Germany
12 Berlin Wuhleide, Germany
14 Locano Moon & Stars, Switzerland
15 Sporting Club, Monte Carlo
17 Vienne Theatre Antique (near Lyon), France
18 Metz Amneville Arena, France
20 Switz - Geneva Paleo Festival
22 Lovely Days Festival, St Polten, Austria
23 Cathedral Square, Ulm, Germany
26 Palais St Jordi, Barcelona, Spain
27 Sports Palace, Madrid, Spain