THE WHO “Rock’s Outer Limits” ザ・フー

まず9月発売予定のアルバムに向けて毎日のように自宅やスタジオで作業をしているそうです。6月発売予定のミニオペラ(凝集されたと書いてあるのは、アルバムでは更にロングバージョンになるという意味だと思います)用のジャケットデザイン等やビデオについて検討しているそうです。EPだけでなくアルバムについてもあと6曲についてロジャーのボーカルトラックを録音するとか更に3曲の新曲をロジャーが気に入ったとか書いてありますので、更に現実味を帯びてきました。ただひとつ驚いたのがEPについてはアメリカ、カナダでの発売はUniversal Recordsとの話し合いの進展がなく、全くの白紙だそうです。日本はポリドールからの発売なので問題ないにしても、今のままだと北米では輸入版でいしか購入できないとは初耳でした。
Progress Report
Yeah, we have some progress. I've been working almost constantly in my home studio writing music, or at Oceanic Studios helping Myles Clarke, Billy Nicholls and Bob Pridden complete tracks for the Who album planned for release in September. The condensed Mini Opera is now with Polydor for release in June, and we are batting sleeve ideas around. We were hoping to do some kind of video - Sam Mendes was mentioned to direct - but as exciting as that prospect is, I'm not sure we have time now. My daughter Minta is helping out by tracking down video directors and interfacing between The Who's management, Polydor and Roger and me.
We start rehearsals in a week from now, by which time Roger must complete six vocals on tracks I've prepared. He called me yesterday very positive about three new songs I just sent him. He has been working very hard on a number of charity projects he committed to before we arranged the tour - it has meant we have had to grab at time to record wherever we can.
There is only one familiar name one might notice is missing here - Universal Records. We do not yet have a U.S. deal settled, and that is not for lack of love or drive on either side. It just hasn't happened yet. I am keen that the Mini-Opera (Wire & Glass) is released in the U.S and Canada at the same time as the rest of the world, but as things stand, it doesn't look likely.
Plans for the tour structure look good. Creatively speaking we have more ideas than in recent years, this being our first proper World Tour ever, we have the resources to be a little more ambitious than in the recent past. However, time is against us, certainly it seems to be against me. When I started preparing tracks in December of 2005 I was picking up work I'd had to drop at roughly the same time a year before in late 2004 when Zak went off to tour with Oasis. Even so I felt I had plenty of time. But it sluices away.
Even so, today I am certain of one thing: the Who have a new record in the can - almost finished, and it will be a good one.

ザ・フー 2006 ツアー日程
18 Brighton Centre, England
25 O2 Wireless Festival - Leeds, England
28 Bristol City Football Club, England
30 Werchter Festival - Belgium
2 Hyde Park Calling Festival - London Hyde Park, England
3 Beaulieu Motor Museum - Hampshire, England
5 Liverpool Docks, England
6 Liverpool Docks, England
8 Oxegen Festival, Dublin, Eire
9 T In The Park Festival, Scotland
11 Bonn Museumplatz, Germany
12 Berlin Wuhleide, Germany
14 Locano Moon & Stars, Switzerland
15 Sporting Club, Monte Carlo
17 Vienne Theatre Antique (near Lyon), France
18 Metz Amneville Arena, France
20 Switz - Geneva Paleo Festival
22 Lovely Days Festival, St Polten, Austria
23 Cathedral Square, Ulm, Germany
26 Palais St Jordi, Barcelona, Spain
27 Sports Palace, Madrid, Spain